
Zizoto is an AI-powered image generation tool that allows users to create stunning visuals and connect with a collaborative social network.


MagicRoomAI ofrece inspiración infinita de diseño con creación de espacios impulsada por IA al alcance de tus manos. ¡Transforma tu hogar, oficina o espacio comercial sin esfuerzo! ¡Rediseña tu dormitorio, sala de estar o cocina y crea diseños únicos y personalizados! ¡Explora posibilidades infinitas con la creación de espacios impulsada por IA!


ScanBoy is a lightning-fast document scanning app for iOS and iPadOS that creates high-quality PDFs with selectable text, perfect for efficiently scanning documents, digitizing receipts, organizing paperwork, and sharing important files.


AfterShoot is an innovative software designed for photographers and image professionals, facilitating efficient image curation, time-saving, seamless integration, and delivering high-quality results within deadlines.

uKit AI

“uKit AI is an innovative tool designed to effortlessly upgrade SMB websites, boost SEO for bloggers, and captivate customers with trendy designs for entrepreneurs and startups, all within a quick 10-minute timeframe.”


ERBuilder, an AI-powered tool, enables effortless creation and updating of data models, accelerating data modeling, automating processes, and enhancing the quality of documentation.

Hotjar AI

Hotjar AI is an ultimate research solution that automates surveys, analyzes user behavior, optimizes website design, improves user experience, and generates insightful reports effortlessly.


Clockk, an automated work hour tracking tool, revolutionizes professional time management by accurately tracking work hours, streamlining billing, enhancing productivity, improving project management, optimizing resource allocation, and providing valuable data insights.


Tomsplanner, an AI-powered tool, revolutionizes project management by enabling efficient planning, precise customization, and clear timeline visualization through the generation of detailed Gantt charts in minutes.


Kili enables the creation of AI assistants for improved customer support and audience engagement, without requiring any coding or technical skills.


“Taxly, an advanced AI tool, streamlines your tax process, maximizes deductions, integrates with accounting software, and enhances CPA services for improved financial planning.”


AgentGPT is an innovative autonomous tool designed for deploying custom AI agents, enabling efficient automation, enhanced customer support, insightful data analysis, and advanced research, with the flexibility to cease operations when not required, and the capacity to foster community collaboration and sponsor development.


Pinecone is an advanced AI tool designed for seamless transition from research to production, proficiently powering scalable vector search for a wide array of applications including recommendation systems, personalized search, fraud detection, image recognition, and natural language processing.


ArticleForge is an AI tool that enables you to generate SEO-optimized articles effortlessly, attracting organic traffic, improving search rankings, and enhancing website performance through the creation of unique, high-quality content with a single click.


TextGPT is an AI tool that provides quick, precise responses and generates realistic images in response to text queries, useful for Q&A, image generation, writing assistance, and more.